Hi! I'm Carol Evans, teasingly known as the "Queen of Passion, Purpose & Profit"

I’m a passionate inspiring business success mentor, visionary coach, speaker, author and massive advocate for living life fully, that takes people born for more on a transformational journey to reignite their passion and purpose, build the life and business of their dreams and ultimately make the world a better place.

I’m also a business consultant, life coach, retreat host, video producer, photographer (& photography assistant), wife, mother, step-mother, dog lover, nature lover, avid traveller, Yorkshire Tea addict, life-long student and citizen of the world.

I believe with every ounce of my being, that it’ll be businesses that’ll change the needle on our economies, and not our world governments. If we can grow our businesses profitably and to our fullest potential, think about all those opportunities we can offer to others... This is what it'll take to see wealth distributed more evenly across society and the world.

I intend to do whatever I can to not only create outrageous success myself, but for as many other ambitious and purpose driven entrepreneurs as possible.

However, there’s much that stands in our way.

Like our conditioning. To put others first. To do what we think we should, or what we think others want us to do. To down play our value – charge less than we’re worth. To think we’re not good enough, or that we’re more likely to fail than massively succeed.

We have our dreams, but keep looking over our shoulders at what everyone else is doing. We think they’re doing great and that makes us feel less – an “imposter”.

We think people will laugh when they hear our ideas and mock us behind our backs.

We’re so scared we’ll fail, we just dip our toes in, invest our time, not our money and hope that it works.

That excitement we first felt when setting up our businesses soon gets lost when we find ourselves working all the time, feeling frustrated, not making the progress we want and settling for less.

Now I’ve worked in business all my life, although I didn’t initially plan to. My dream was to be on the stage singing and dancing, having flowers thrown at my feet - I’m actually a classically trained soprano – although you wouldn’t want to hear me sing opera these days!

My career however, kicked off rather unexpectedly.... It all started when I took a holiday and cheekily asked the owners of the hotel if they’d give me a job for 6 weeks over the summer holiday. Despite cleaning toilets, ironing the bed linen, washing the pots and of course a lot more, it seems I couldn't get enough, because that 6 weeks turned into 6 years and a move into management.

Since then I’ve worked and managed almost every department imaginable, in hotels, healthcare, spas and many other industries too. I've turning failing businesses and teams around and managing budgets of tens of millions. I'm also privileged to have been a guest at Downing Street and to have delivered a speech in the House of Lords.

I don’t believe anything ever happens by chance and this certainly proved to be the case when I left the corporate world some 20 years ago to pursue my own businesses. Chance meetings have led me to take advantage of some incredible opportunities, and so I know just how important it is to keep that vision you have for your life to the front of your mind – you miss them otherwise!

Now I don’t want to waste your time waffling on about me, because it’s all about you. But, I know you’ll want the reassurance that I have the experience to help you. So, what I will tell you is this:

I don’t tend to take the easy route, so for my first business adventure I drew up plans to build a luxurious destination spa in Ireland – it was super fabulous and a real passion project for me. Eventually – after not giving up – I found the perfect site, from sitting next to a guy on a plane home and received an investment offer of €16m from none other than George Bush’s personal banker.

I’ve also franchised businesses across Ireland and Poland, set up my own day spas, created my own range of spa products 

Along the way people asked me to help them with their businesses and so off the back of that my Consultancy and Coaching business was born.

It hasn’t all been plain sailing though but luckily it’s those toughest times that bring us the greatest knowledge, wisdom and experience – and that’s pretty priceless for those people working with me.

I’m now on a mission to “Be a Voice for Change” and create more business success in the world. I want to show you gorgeous lady how you can do all this with joy, ease, flow and ooze with fabulosity at the same time.


Unapologetic Unstoppable Unleashed

My passion lies in guiding you to fulfil your truest potential.

To set the most compelling vision for your life that is as beautiful and unique as you. I’ll help you realise the limitless probabilities that exist for you, when you follow your own passion and purpose. To make big consistent profits and see the business you’ve been dreaming of take on a life of its own, whilst enabling you to the live the life you choose, give opportunities to others and ultimately make our world a better place.

Less is always available. Don’t settle for it now.

No more struggle, no more doubts, no more procrastination.

You’re not born to blend in. You’re born to stand out and shine.

So, why not come and join me at Planet Peacock and the Passion To Profit Accelerator and take your life and business to a whole new level?

"This is how to silent that nagging, critical inner voice.."
9 Habits to drop now if you desire success


Beating overwhelm before it kills your dream
How to successfully navigate work, love and life as a powerful woman
Escaping the decade that stole my soul

Everything you need to level up your business.

"I absolutely love being in business, I adore being of service, helping other people take a seed of an idea and turn it in to something really quite amazing, that enables them to live the kind of, life they desire".

Work With Me

Passion for Photography. Passion for Visibility.

"Many of my services include photography - images of you, your business, your products ... images that help you sell... images that help you stand out from the rest, images that establish you in your marketplace and get you noticed."

Learn More

"Since contracting Carol we have seen increases in both turnover and margins at a time when market forces were against us. We continue to use her services to keep us ahead of the competition. She is always professional and personable, highly creative and I have no hesitation in recommending her."

Ken Wells, Garden Isle Hotels

"Carol’s passion is clear but it doesn’t stop with her own business, she’s just as passionate about her client’s businesses & their successes too"

Michelle Betteridge, Isolation Generation